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You Were Created on Purpose for a Purpose!


You were created on purpose for a purpose.

It seems the older I get, the more I look into the rearview mirror of my life. This past week caused me to do that a bit more than usual due to a request for the following interview by Scott Owens.

I met Scott and his wife Cindi when they were 28-years-old and I was 38. At that time, they were pastoring a church in the San Francisco Bay Area called Fully Alive. I began attending that church while I was in a spiritual drought, searching for some meaning and purpose in my life. I was approaching my 40th birthday wanting the next 40 years of my life to have more significance than the first 40. Scott was there when I began the journey of having the courage to be and do what God created me to. He was there when God began depositing enormous dreams in my spirit and encouraged me to pursue those dreams. Fast forward to now… twenty years later. Many of those dreams I shared with Scott – my pastor and my friend – have now become a reality. Having this conversation with Scott, remembering what all God has done, has encouraged me! I hope as you watch this interview, you will be encouraged in your own journey and your own dreams. I truly believe that you were created on purpose for a purpose and that through YOU, God will answer the prayer(s) of another – if you have the courage to be you!

Be encouraged!

Jenny Williamson

Founder/CEO Courage Worldwide

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