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This is Why Courage is Succeeding


This is Why Courage is Succeeding!

Why is Courage House Tanzania growing and thriving, despite a global pandemic, and even throughout intense situations that inevitably come up due to the nature of our work with trafficking victims? While there are a few answers to that question, a key reason for Courage House Tanzania’s success and growth is our incredible staff. As a continuation of yesterday’s staff highlight, today we have three more resilient and dedicated staff members to introduce to you. These staff members have worked at Courage House Tanzania for over 5 years. We honor and celebrate these individuals for their faithfulness over the years.

We wanted to share perspectives from the staff firsthand, to give you a look into what it’s like to work at Courage and the transformations even staff members experience in their own lives!


Mary Mahene

Education Director and Teacher

5 years at Courage House TZ

What do you like about working at Courage House Tanzania?

The way the lives of our girls are changed. We receive them while they are hopeless, heartbroken and so discouraged. Then, they receive hope and courage to live and pursue their dreams!

What have been some of the biggest changes you have witnessed at Courage over the years?

The biggest change I have seen at Courage because of working here is that I have learned not to lose hope on people. From their situation that seems to be “zero”, they can become a hero! And from being seen as “nothing”, then can really become somebody. As you know, our society despises, isolates, and stigmatizes this group of girls we are dealing with. Working here has given me courage to overcome the negative attitude of my society and upon myself in general. That is courage!


Mama Witness

House Mama

(In Tanzania, this is a common job title and for us it’s childcare workers — caring for the needs of our girls and their children)

7 years at Courage House TZ

What do you like about working at Courage?

I like working with Courage because I have learned many things and my life has been changed. Before working at Courage, I had a bad understanding of girls of this kind. Now, I value them and have come to realize that they can be changed. I now value these girls a lot. There are very big changes in their lives.

What are the biggest changes you have seen at Courage over the years?

My life has been changed economically through Courage.


Ms. Emmy

Preschool and Primary Teacher

7 years at Courage House TZ

What do you like about working at Courage?

Before Courage, I had a bad perspective on the behavior of girls like those at Courage House. As I got to know them, I began to understand that they didn’t like to what they were doing, but it was just the situation. They can be changed.

What are the biggest changes you have seen at Courage over the years?

My personal life has been changed since I was able to love the girls the way they are and keep trusting in God for the changes.


As we care for 40 girls and their children in both of our homes here in Tanzania, it is so important that we have a strong team to support the girls in the best way possible. For future expansion plans of doubling capacity, this is even more crucial. We are grateful for this reliable team that will allow us to expand to rescue and restore more victims in desperate need of a safe place and loving family.

We owe a lot of our success to to our staff and supporters. Without you, our goals and dreams wouldn’t be able to turn into reality. If you aren’t already a supporter, we would love for you to join us today in changing the world one individual at a time!



Joel and Stephanie Midthun

Executive Directors, Courage House Tanzania

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