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Firsthand and Front Row


Firsthand and Front Row

Our program utilizes a strength-based approach which equips, encourages, and empowers each resident to believe in herself so she reaches her individual and unique purpose. We believe this approach applies not just to the girls at Courage House, but our staff too! Recently we had a team of volunteers from Living Water Church in Northern California visit Courage House Tanzania. They empowered our girls and staff using their strengths! Read more about their experience from one of the team members, Cara Lane.

We must be the same! You are reading this article because you follow the wonderful work of Courage Worldwide. We know Courage’s goal is to rescue and rehabilitate girls from sex trafficking. We especially love to see the news of the Courage House in Tanzania, Africa that houses many young girls to keep them safe and to help them with education. You have heard the amazing stories from the American staff through their website, newsletter, or speaking engagements. You have seen the pictures, faces blurred for protection, of the many young girls who have literally been pulled out of unbearable situations and unthinkable abuse. Courage Worldwide does amazing Kingdom work with eternal results.

All of this is how I USED to know Courage, but NOW I have seen firsthand the faithfulness of God with my own eyes. I had a front row seat to see the girls perform a fashion show. All five senses were engaged. I clearly got to SEE each girl’s smile on their face. I SMELLED the food cooking in the big pots over the fire from the outside kitchen. I HEARD the testimony of those who have aged out and now have a beautiful career and life. I TOUCHED each girl and staff with a motherly hug. I TASTED all the amazing food from the Courage Café food and drink menu.

Let me introduce myself: I am the Pastor’s wife of Rob Lane from Living Water Church in Wilton, California. Joel and Stephanie Midthun, currently Courage Worldwide East Africa Regional Directors, were the founding pastors of our church. We have been supporting Courage Worldwide’s ministry through prayer and finances as a church. We are proud of Joel and Stephanie, who have answered the call to go to Africa. We consider them dear friends and mentors in ministry. We are blessed to know this couple who has done extraordinary work in ministry here in America and now in Africa.

The invitation was open for a group of us from Living Water Church to visit and work in Moshi with the Courage girls. Our team included Cassandra—the artist who put together paint-by-number murals for the Courage girls to take part in and be proud of their creation and beautification of the Courage campus; Tim—the fix-it-man who helped with literally anything needing repair (he was known as "fundi", which translates from Swahili as mechanic); Mckenna—our long-term Moshi visitor who has spent many months on her own loving on the Courage girls; Taylynn—a military chaplain who dedicates her own time helping an orphanage in Uganda and now saw this ministry; Wendi Cross—the director of xHope ministries who came to learn from Courage to aid to her ministry operations; and lastly, our three young men, Connor, Ryland, and Charles who taught sports to the girls—we called them the athletic directors.

It was so very emotional as a mother to watch my own two sons show the girls there are truly good men out there who love God and do not want to harm them in any way. My boys are forever changed, and I am thankful for the opportunity to see them grow into amazing men of God.

Now my part: I put on a StrengthsFinder Seminar with the staff. 34Strong, the company I work for, donated codes for each Courage staff to take the assessment.

My favorite part was spending an hour coaching with each individual staff member. I heard incredible stories of hope and resilience. The staff who work with the girls love God and want the best for these girls. It is clear Courage makes sure they are hiring staff who are trustworthy and honest. Having the staff know their strengths is a part of that process. It is an investment into their career that many have never experienced before.

So, we are the same! We are thrilled to support the ministry of Courage Worldwide. We know our prayers have been answered. You might not ever set foot on African soil, but you can trust from my firsthand and front row experience that your support, prayers, and finances have a direct impact on these precious lives. Courage Worldwide provides noble and worthwhile work for the Kingdom.

Cara Lane


We are grateful for everyone who contributes to our mission at Courage Worldwide, in every form. Whether that is flying across the world to empower our staff and girls, faithfully giving every month, or sending your prayers. We couldn’t fully support sixty girls and young women and their children without you. If you haven’t already, would you join us in the fight against trafficking and supporting survivors as they embark on their journey of hope and healing?


P.S. The holidays are approaching! Stock up on Courage Coffee for all of your gifts. It is freshly roasted in Modesto, California at Clayton Tea & Coffee as you order. If you haven’t tasted our Hope Blend, it’s a must-try. Not only are you drinking some of the best coffee in the world, you directly support our programs here at Courage Worldwide! A perfect gift for you and your loved ones.


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