When a girl first arrives at Courage House, we ask her: What is your dream? It is often difficult in the beginning for the girls to dream in this way — to realize that the world is open to them and there is hope for their future. With time, the journey of healing and the loving environment at Courage House, these dreams begin to blossom.
It is so amazing to witness these dreams come true. We first celebrated with a high school graduation, a major feat considering the obstacles these girls have overcome in their lives and the difficult healing journey they have embarked upon.

Just a few months later, we are celebrating the next realization of these dreams coming true.

Three of our brightest graduates left the Courage House nest, soaring on to college to study education, accounting, and information technology (IT)!
We are committed to providing for all the needs of each Courage House resident until she completes her further education and can stand independently on her own. We pay for all college fees, housing and food, and all other needs - just like a family would. Our program’s success lies in this. We want to ensure that these girls will never be trapped in the life of sexual exploitation ever again.

Eliana*, Sarah*, and Hope* worked hard in Courage Leadership Academy during their gap year between secondary school and the start of college. CLA is our vocational training program designed to equip each graduate with lifelong skills — sewing, English, computers, business, customer service, cooking, jewelry-making, leadership, Bible and more — and to help in the transition into independent adult life. Their hard work in this program helps to pay for their college education through the sales of handmade Courage Products, which you can buy through our speaking tours, pop-up shops and seasonally online!
Part of CLA includes vocational training at Courage Café. The skills learned here — including business, computers, customer service, English, exposure to the international community, and more — will transfer into the real world as they study, find jobs and begin their adult lives as independent young women.

One of the members of CLA said it best: “No matter if I have a job or not, I have so many skills to help myself through and then find a job.”
Feeling confident in themselves and their skills, Eliana, Sarah and Hope left for college and are excited for what is in store for their futures! These girls are gifted in school, in their English language skills and their care for others.
Your monthly support allows girls who were once trapped in the life of sexual exploitation to be restored, go to college and follow their dreams! As each of these girls transitions into college, our capacity to rescue and restore more young victims of trafficking is increased at Courage House. Will you join us today in support the incredible life changes happening here at Courage House Tanzania? Each donation goes a long way in impacting the lives of these young girls and young women. Join us in changing the world one individual at a time!
Be blessed!
Courage Worldwide
(*Names changed for privacy and security of the residents)