We have 3 new girls and an infant who have come home to Courage House this week!
Goodness, Alice, Hannah and baby Elizabeth*. * Names changed for privacy and safety of the girls.
Two of these girls are 10 years old… yes, 10 years old.
I get to see their photos and hear their stories but sadly we cannot share those with you as we do not want to further exploit these vulnerable children. In addition, there are often people who want to hurt them so they won’t testify as to what has happened to them. It is so hard to comprehend men buying a 10-year-old for sex. It is even more difficult to wrap your brain around the fact that some families are selling their daughters.
We cannot begin to understand the pain and trauma these children have endured. However, we can provide them a home where they are safe and allowed to just be children. A place where people love and protect them. A place where by the grace of God their childhoods can be restored and their futures assured.
With the addition of three girls and an infant, our needs increase. Beds, clothing, medical exams, therapy, staffing, food costs – all this increases when we add children.
At this time, Courage Worldwide is totally dependent upon people like you who want to help these young children become all they were created to be. Will you please consider donating today towards their current needs and their future.
Thank you so much.
Jenny Williamson, Founder/CEO
Courage Worldwide, Inc.