Dear Courage Champion,
In 2007, I learned I lived in a world where children were sold for sex. I vowed to do something: build them homes and call them family. But what exactly does that mean?

Building homes is self-explanatory. We want to build a Courage House in every city, state, and country in need of one–a place where these vulnerable children can feel safe and loved; a place where they can grow, laugh, and learn; a place they can call home.
But what does it mean to call them family? For me, it means providing every child who calls Courage House home with all the resources and opportunities I would provide my own children. What if this was your daughter–your sister, niece, friend–who was trafficked? What would you do to ensure they had all the tools they needed to begin their healing journey, to be and do all they were created to? Anything! Everything! I am compelled to do the very same thing for every child who calls Courage House home.

Every child–our children and our girls at Courage House–deserves essential resources like a safe home, a bed to sleep in, food to eat, new clothing to wear, access to education, and quality medical care. Do we stop there with our own children? No! If we have children with learning disabilities or mental health issues, we find the best counselors, therapists, and supporting educators. We enroll our children in music lessons, sports teams, and summer camps. We take our children on vacation to show them there is a big world out there and encourage them to explore it. We long to see our children become independent and successful. Our girls at Courage House deserve and receive these same opportunities, especially as doing so decreases their likelihood of being re-exploited or re-trafficked.
Most of the children who reside at Courage House do not have safe families they can return to. Often, it is a family member who sold and exploited them. Rather than our girls graduating from a program, we continue to encourage, support, and pray for them as they uniquely need.
We are getting ready to expand, both in Tanzania and here in the U.S. Our new location in Tanzania is just about ready to receive girls as our Moshi location is nearly full! We have also identified Northwest Nevada as our next location for minor girls in the U.S.
Tomorrow, May 4, is the Big Day of Giving in Sacramento. We have several generous donors who have given matching funds totaling $25,000, meaning every dollar you give up to $25,000 will be doubled! Would you consider donating to our mission and vision? Please consider donating online by clicking the green button below or by mailing a check to our address in Reno: 3495 Lakeside Dr. #88, Reno, NV 89509.

Thank you for your consideration. Many blessings.
Jenny Williamson, Founder/CEO