A private donor gave $60,000 so that we can have beds for 60 girls at Courage House, doubling our minor capacity!
While we are thrilled that this new building is almost complete, we cannot say yes to more children coming home until we purchase 30 beds, furnish the entire building, hire additional staff, fill the cabinets with food, and all the other items needed to make a house a home. We need your help! The growth here in Tanzania during the past 5 years has been more than we dared to hope or imagine! While new buildings are impressive–they are a one-time cost. The cost of meeting the daily needs for young girls who have been rescued from human trafficking is ongoing. Most of the residents at Courage House do not have safe families to return to, therefore they remain on campus for several years before transitioning to Courage House Too (our over 18-years-old home) a college campus, or independent living. In addition, to their physical and mental health needs, we also have an onsite school that Courage Worldwide staffs and operates. When the new building is complete we will need approximately $30,000 before we can say yes to bringing more girls home. Would you consider giving financially toward this goal?
With expansion, a lot of our costs will essentially double, from furnishings, staffing, healthcare, and more. We have broken down the categories to give you an idea of how your support directly allows us to provide everything necessary to create a trauma-informed, healing environment and restorative program for each survivor.
Furnishings: Beds, Mattresses, Wardrobes, Shoe Racks, Couches, Cushions and Covers, Curtains and Rods, Safety Equipment
Hire and Train New Staff Before Girls Arrive
Girls’ Personal Needs, Medical Costs, and Transport
A Blast from the Past: Courage House Tanzania’s first campus…
And Courage House Tanzania Now!
Check out our most recent Courage House Tanzania video, if you haven’t already, to get a broader picture of our comprehensive restoration program.
The incredible growth we have experienced at Courage Worldwide would NOT be possible without people just like you – people who believe it is wrong for a child to be sold for sex; people who believe they deserve a safe home and a healthy future. Please consider seeing that growth continue and more children having their childhood restored by financially giving to their future now. You can click the donate button below or mail a check to the address listed. Thank you!
Jenny Williamson
Founder & CEO, Courage Worldwide