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Today, your impact DOUBLES!


Today, your gift will be doubled with a donor match of up to $25,000!

Courage House Moshi Four Years Ago…

Courage House Moshi now!

We can tell you of all the transformations happening at Courage House, but the pictures speak for themselves! Every day our program and our campuses are elevating. As we ask ourselves, “What if this was my daughter?”, we are constantly finding areas to improve to provide the absolute best care and create the best healing environment for each girl at Courage House.

The new dormitory—completely finished and furnished! Twenty-five child survivors of human trafficking will have a safe place to call home, to heal, and to embrace their unique destiny. This doubles our capacity at Courage House Moshi!

Each campus and all of this expansion allows more lives to be changed. More girls can seek refuge from the horrors of exploitation and trafficking. Here, healing begins and hope abounds. We’ve seen countless transformations as these girls experience safety, love, and all the resources they need to embark on this journey. We need you for this to happen. Your giving changes lives!

Today your gift’s impact DOUBLES thanks to a matching donor. Will you join us with a one-time or monthly donation?


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