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We Are Raising Up Leaders in Tanzania


We are raising up leaders here in Tanzania.

The core of our success at Courage House Tanzania is our wonderful staff. In each department — from education, to social work and residential care — we are blessed with incredible staff in every capacity. This is the key to the healing and restoration of the girls and young women at Courage House: the unity and wisdom of the staff.

It is important to us as an organization to pour into our staff, and build their emotional, spiritual, physical and even financial health. This is crucial to our work with young girls and women, who are also looking to do the same thing in their lives. Our staff needs to be healthy in these areas to be at full capacity to help others. The smallest of positive changes make a big difference! From encouraging all staff members to open bank accounts for savings, getting drivers licenses, doing trainings on emotional health and bringing in specialized partners for staff empowerment (most recently a training on individual rights in Tanzania), we see incredible personal development in many areas in many of our staff here at Courage House Tanzania. Over the past few years, we have cultivated a reliable and wise team. This is especially important with implementing our Courage House program in a different culture. When faced with unfamiliar situations, we have full confidence in our team to make the wisest decisions for the well-being of each Courage House resident. After witnessing this wisdom for years, we gained full confidence in our Executive Team and knew it was the time to promote two high-level staff into key leadership roles.


Introducing… New Executive Director, Esther Urio (also known as Mama Victor)

You may start to recognize our staff, as we highlight them and their impact at Courage House periodically in our communications. Mama Victor is one of these familiar faces! Having started at Courage House Tanzania as a volunteer, Mama Victor exemplified hard work and wisdom in each position as she became House Manager, the Campus Director and now Executive Director.


House Manager, Suzan Shoo

Wise beyond her years, Suzan has earned the reputation from the girls of being one of our toughest staff but also one of the kindest. She has excelled in her role as Lead Social Worker, in her relationships with Courage House girls, other staff, the government and other community groups. We know both Suzan and Mama Victor will thrive in their new positions!


As an organization, not only do we want to equip and empower survivors of trafficking, but we want to do the same for our staff — to lift them up and empower them to positively impact their families and communities even outside of work.

Your support allows us to support 35 staff members, which creates the foundation for Courage House to support almost 50 girls and their children. You are changing the world through supporting these individuals, through your prayers and donations. If you would like to join us with a financial gift, either monthly or one-time, it’s easy to sign up. Join us in changing the world, one individual at a time!

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