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Fall Speaking Tour: Coming to a City Near You


Join us on our Fall Speaking Tour!

It's been quite a year of growth here in Tanzania.

We are overwhelmed at God’s goodness and grace in allowing us to witness what seems like daily miracles. It is no small feat to see each girl transform in a short amount of time right before our eyes, from the moment they set foot at Courage House. In the last couple of years, we’ve received girls as young as 8-years-old; now they can have their childhood back. Now they are safe, loved, and experiencing a healthy family. They are discovering their dreams.

Our capacity at Courage House Moshi has increased to 60 beds with a newly built dormitory, thanks to a donor who provided for all of the construction costs. We have capacity for 40 residents at Courage House Too, our transition program and safe house where our over-18-year-old girls live.

We have a dozen girls in university, college, and vocational training. We are so grateful for a donor who has recently stepped up to fund their college tuition. We've launched several Courage House graduates this past year to live on their own—one married and recently had a baby. We've hired several at Courage Café and at Courage House, which has always been a dream of ours.

Courage Café has been a dream come true as well—it is a special and beautiful place with a stunning view of Mount Kilimanjaro. We have the best coffee, a signature menu, and we're providing vocational training and jobs to Courage House graduates. The profits from the café are funding about 10-15% of our programs after operating for only just over one year. The goal is to increase our program sustainability through funding diversification. We love to meet people from all over the world and invite them to be a part of the mission of Courage Worldwide. Changing lives.

Lastly, God made it very clear last year to not get too comfortable—it was time to expand to a new region. A church partner gave us a grant to make expansion here in Tanzania possible. We were able to open an office in the largest city in Tanzania, Dar es Salaam. We are thrilled to have hired a wonderful Executive Director who has worked for Courage House Moshi for the past 6 years. We are opening Courage House Dar in March of 2023.

We cannot do what we do without you! Many of you have come alongside us to donate, volunteer, and/or pray. With God on our side and our faithful supporters, we know there are more—more girls to be rescued and more generations to be changed.

We would love to see you at any of our speaking events this fall. We love connecting with you and sharing incredible stories of hope and healing.

Joel and Stephanie Midthun

East Africa Regional Directors, Courage Worldwide

P.S. Have you restocked your Courage Coffee? We’ve just gotten a new shipment in from Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania and with your purchase, it is freshly roasted in Modesto, California at Clayton Tea & Coffee. If you haven’t tasted our Hope Blend, it’s a must-try. Not only are you drinking some of the best coffee in the world, you directly support our programs here at Courage Worldwide!


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